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Night Skincare Routine Buongiorno a tutti! Come già anticipato nel mio blog di ieri oggi vi voglio parlare dei prodotti che utilizzo abitualmente prima di andare a dormire.  Recentemente ho letto che è estremamente importante curare la pelle, soprattutto alla sera perché durante il giorno tendiamo ad accumulare sporcizia dovuta all'inquinamento, all'esposizione con agenti esterni, il trucco (che soffoca la pelle). Se non la curiamo propriamente, si formano brufoli, punti neri o imperfezioni della pelle, che personalmente odio.  Gioca, ovviamente, un ruolo importantissimo anche la situazione interna, ossia, idratazione (bere sempre molta acqua), stress, ansia, dispiaceri, che nella maggior parte delle volte si riversano sul nostro corpo sotto forma di brufoli, acne, irritazioni cutanee.  La situazione interna del nostro corpo, la conosciamo solo noi, e da intenditori dobbiamo lavorare in primis sulla nostra salute mentale e nel mentre far si...
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Daily Skincare Routine   Good Morning! Oggi vi voglio parlare della mia routine quotidiana per la cura della pelle. In quarantena abbiamo ovviamente molto più tempo da dedicare a noi stessi, di conseguenza è giusto ritagliare un po' di tempo per far si che la nostra pelle non sia troppo oleosa e piena di impurità (dovuto a una produzione eccessiva di sebo) o che sia disidratata, provocando molta pelle morta e rossori. Step n. 1 Importantissimo alla mattina lavare sempre il viso con detergenti non aggressivi per la pelle (soprattutto per chi ce l'ha delicata e tende ad essere secca). Io ad esempio utilizzo Il Garnier SkinActive - Pure Active Intensive  ( )- il quale ha un'azione diretta sui punti neri e impurità; consiglio questo prodotto a coloro che hanno una pelle mista/ grassa. Step n. 2 Dopo aver deterso il viso, e asciugato picchiettando (mai strofinare!) passiamo alla seconda fase che è quella del tonico. Io alla mattina utilizzo qu...
FASHION INSPIRATION  Good morning beautiful people and welcome back to my blogspot! Today I want to show off a gallery of some cute outfits for spring season.  NEUTRAL COLORS  2. BRIGHT COLORS  3.  DENIM 
Welcome back to my Beauty and Fashion trends blog spot!  Today I want to talk about how to spend your time properly throughout self-isolation. It's not easy at all being forced to stay home all day long for an unknown amount of weeks; so it's important to not get ourselves into that lazy mood by watching the entire Netflix series collection.  Let's be productive! I'll give you some tips to kill the time.  1- First of all plan your day.  As soon as you wake up, it's a good habit to write down a To Do list for the day to be productive. I have my personal agenda where I have all my reminders for the following days, just to keep myself in track.  I'm not a morning person, I would stay in bed the entire morning but I force myself to wake up by setting an alarm at 10:00 am, which it's a pretty decent time and I head over to the kitchen where I make myself a nice breakfast. That's the  perfect time to list all the thi...
DIOR HYDRALIFE SKINCARE ROUTINE Hello Guys! In these quarantine days I'm taking care about myself, more specifically about my skin. Skincare is really important as well as using the right products for your skin! Today I want to talk about the Dior HydraLife Skincare line. It's been roughly 3 months now that I've been using these amazing products and all I can say is the result is gobsmacking; my skin feels softer and smoother. I usually apply all the illustrated items in the morning to prep my skin for make-up, but at the same time to keep it hydrated throughout the day. The sorbet texture provides 24h hydration and freshness which is great for those who have normal or dry skin. I start off by applying the Dior sorbet creme all over my face and right after the cooling hydration sorbet eye gel to depuff my undereye. I switch daily the sorbet water essence and the sorbet creme. Of course my skin products are not so restricted, I use them only in the mornin...
Hello girls! Welcome back to Beauty and Fashion Trends! Today I want to talk about 5 Fashion Trends of 2020 Leather Leather is a material commonly used for skirt, trousers, jacket, short dresses and shirt, as we all see through store shelves. It's a unique piece which add a bit of edge to your look.  It's good either worn as an everyday look or for a night out, but be careful to match the right items together, otherwise your look will appear too daring or ridiculous.  If you decide to wear a leather skirt, the better option is to match the look with a complete different material, like cotton or silk.        2. Neon Colors  Another well seen piece of clothing is Neon. These bright colours pop out the whole look, giving a colourful touch! It's an easy item to match with leather trousers, or a nice skirt for a disco night out! It  wouldn't be appropriate to wear these quirky colours for work or school, but i...
Beauty and Fashion wants to give you some heads up for New Year's Eve night! You can never go wrong with a sparkly dress, but you gotta be careful whether the place is a snazzy restaurant or a chilling home night with friends.   I personally think it's the perfect night to wear anything you want, but if you don't wanna overdo the outfit you can go with something a bit more "casual"and styling it adding different shiny accessories; it can be a boujee bag, nice pendant, or a designer belt. Pumps on this event are a must!  If you're not feeling to be a classy woman like the amazing VS' model Romee Srijd, you can opt for a leather dress like Negin Mirsalehi, mixing the look with a chic necklace and nice heels. Let's rock the night with this edgy dress! and... one last option .. Gigi Hadid is one of the most amazing girl around the world and I decided to post a pic about her outfit for Variety's Power of Women event. She was showcasing a lig...